I am nervous and excited all at the same time - would that be 'nercited?' Tomorrow is the big day. I have an exam for a position that I would love to have. I don't want to say exactly what its for (although some of you know already), don't want to jinx myself in any way. This would be a stepping stone in the field that I eventually want to have my career in. My education would finally be paying off, that student loan I have wouldn't seem so worthless. I report tomorrow at 8am and it is approximately 3 hours. Couldn't find any study materials, they gave a brief overview of how the exam is conducted, but I am the type that likes to read as much as possible to be a step ahead of the other candidates. I did borrow a book from a friends guypal who applied for a similar test, so I do have that under my belt and will review it again tonight. Absolutely nercited!
*While I was searching for 'exam' images, I found this one. Soooo...yeeeaaaa....store THAT in your mental image case for a while. And is that a banana peel she has in her hands??*
GOOD LUCK! I am keeping everything crossed for you. Except for my legs - then I can't do the self exam.
I hope you did well on your test- keep us posted!
And thanks for the totally disturbing visual image...
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