I'm not a pervert or anything, so why do I get this crap that makes me feel like one?!?!? I swear I don't go to naughty sites and look at boobies and other x rated sites. Even if I did, I certainly wouldn't sign up for their MAILING list. So tell me why I get emails asking if I want to look at peoples hooters or wangs????
The most recent one that I got made me laugh and irritated me at the same time. It read: HEY I PUT NEW HOT PICTURES OF ME AT MY SITE. The sender? Oh, his name is Maynard Duran. C'mon...you want to send spam...get a better name than MAYNARD! No offense to anyone who may have a father, brother, uncle, grandfather, aunt or 22nd cousin named maynard. I just think its funny to send something like that and have a name like that. Thats an old mans name....how HOT could your pictures be? I know 'Diane' is an older name, but I'm not THAT old. Stick to the Madge's and Gertrudes....don't send me your junk! Literally.
"Do me Maynard. Ride me Big Maynard..." Maynard does your taxes... LOL- I too hate spam!
haha Maynard, you know you google porn every chance you get! j/k
I get those emails too come look at my photos. I don't care to look at those photos.
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