I forgot, there was a huge portion of time I spent on our dogs. Not real ones of course. Geez, I couldn't imagine having 8 dogs! I'm not a catlady and certainly don't run a zoo. Toby got Madison Nintendogs for her DS and I have taken over it. I was obsessed with getting to $50,000 so I could buy the beach house, just to see what it looked like.
So I had to train, walk, feed, clean...the whole 9 yards until I got to that point. I seriously devoted at least 2 weeks to that. It was fun. Now my next mission is to get to $100,000 to buy the spaceship house. I will work on that slowly...it was exhausting walking all those dogs!
We have a bunch of different breeds, but I have to say my favorite is Maximus, he is a minpin and adorable!
Wait.......... a video game where you have to care for a bunch of dogs????? OMG- this would be my hell- go you for having fun with it!
I'm pretty sure this Means Something, but I have no idea WHAT...
Prof - yes, amazingly, I'm better with fake dogs than real ones, if I had 8 real dogs, my house would be covered in shit, I couldn't walk that many dogs.
Cap - LOL...you made me giggle.
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